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the patient’s work record
病人的职业史  detail>>
patient record
病人记录  detail>>
case record of home patient
家庭病床病历  detail>>
computer-based patient record
计算机病案,电子病案,基于计算机的病案  detail>>
hospital patient record keeping
医院病历存档  detail>>
patient contact record
病人联系卡  detail>>
patient magnetic record
病人磁性记录  detail>>
patient record interpretation system
病人记录解释系统  detail>>
patient termination record
病人终末纪录  detail>>
patient-held record
病人持有的病案  detail>>
record of work
工时记录  detail>>
work up a patient
做诊断检查  detail>>
cpr computer based patient record
基于计算机的病历记录  detail>>
cpr computer-based patient record
计算机病人病历  detail>>
record of acceptance of concealed work
隐蔽工程验收记录  detail>>
record of concealed work
隐蔽工程记录  detail>>
work record card
劳动手册  detail>>
out-patient clinic medical record system
门诊病人临床病案系统  detail>>